Helping businesses with theĀ accounting services they need to successfully manage and grow their business effortlessly.

A fractional CFO with a superstar team offering complete and efficient accounting services for multi 7-figure professional service-based businesses looking to grow with a financial expert at their side.

Let's Connect

We solve the following problems


ā–ŗ Financial Management - The financial metrics you're probably ignoring


ā–ŗ Mindfulness and Operations – The time-wasting activities that are preventing your success


ā–ŗ Team Alignment – How your employees may be blocking your growth potential


We work remotely as your CFO, Business Advisor, and function as your accounting team, or even as part of your existing accounting team to ensure success.

Our purpose is to develop the financial strategies, tactics, and leadership skills required for individuals to become more valued members of their organization, thereby taking themselves, and the company, to the next level of success.

I’ve partnered with many small businesses over the last 20 years working directly with CEOs to strategically direct their company in a positive direction.  Several of these companies have grown by 20 – 60% every year.  That is the power of having accurate financial information at your fingertips.

Fun Fact: Businesses are 80% more successful if they look at their financials on a monthly basis.

Interested in learning more? Contact us to discuss your needs


Contact Us

How do our services grow your business?

We provide you with everything you need to improve profits and increase your cash flow

A results-driven approach is absolutely necessary in order to scale the operations to the level desired. For 20 years we have helped small businesses grow their companies every year.

We help with such things as:

  • Increase profitability and cash flow
  • Providing you with valuable insights and useful information from your data to grow your business
  • Budgeting and forecasting with the flexibility you need to scale quickly
  • Evaluating your accounting systems and processes to have your current staff function in the most efficient and dynamic way
  • Management of accounts payable, accounts receivable, bookkeeping, payroll, and more.

We will meet your needs and exceed your expectation so you can manage your businesses intelligently and make the right decisions to grow a successful and profitable business.

We work with 7-figure service-based businesses looking for their first $2M, $5M, or $10M in annual revenue.

What makes us unique?

The hardest part of being in business is all wrapped up in the financials.

Whether it is understanding them or being able to use them to your advantage, both are important.

Having good financial information provides the ability to grow and scale your business from an idea or small staff to an enterprise that will attract the best talent, investors, and clients.

We know and understand that having a high level of analytics and execution expertise will help get your company to the next level. 

If you want reliable financial information that leads to scalable growth so you can know how your efforts are driving that growth, reach out.  

The good news is, that you don’t need to afford a multi-six-figure CFO salary in order to leverage the guidance and skills of one.

Most 7-figure companies don’t have this capability or skill level in-house and that is where we come in. We help clients measure, optimize, and manage operational and financial initiatives.

We have the expertise to help you solve the problems that are hindering the growth of your company.

Reach Out Today!

Success Stories

Here's what others are saying

Robert Kolb, President Essintial Enterprise Solutions


Audrey developed and executed a plan that helped transform our accounting and financial reporting systems, implement policy and procedure to support better workflows, and most importantly design and build a team that is significantly more productive.  

Audrey’s high-level view of the business and coaching down to the individual staff levels was a significant benefit to Essintial." 

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Amy Bolivar, CEO VidVita


 “Faust Consulting gives you access to a C Suite Level financial executive.  Audrey has been a lifesaver for our company.

I presented her with a list of what we wanted to accomplish in 2018, and she developed a budget plan to meet our financial goals for adding employees, funding retirement plans and hardware needs.  In less than two months. 

Audrey has also been able to clean up our accounting ledger, organize our finances and streamline our cash flow.

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Anthony Grilli, CEO Focus Laboratories


"I was first introduced to Audrey when I was a stressed-out business owner who had no time to run his business or be involved with the financial management of my business.  She convinced me to relinquish my control and I haven’t had to worry about financials since. 

Every month we review the company numbers and make decisions based on these financials, and the net result has been a doubling of revenue in about two years.

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