I believe when you know your numbers, have a rockstar team and have implemented a CEO Mindset you will be the most powerful CEO on the planet!


Let's Connect!
Our purpose is to help you develop the financial strategies, tactics, and leadership skills required for your small business to grow and prosper that will also result in higher profits and better cash flow.


We understand our clients want reliable and scalable growth. And they want to know how their efforts are driving that growth.

Financial Management

Hands up if you don't like to look at your numbers? You're not alone. Many business owners find looking at their numbers intimidating, confusing, and stressful.

Maybe when you look at them you feel embarrassed and don't fully understand the importance of every aspect of your accounting.

Here is the problem with this…when you don’t know anything about your numbers until it's time to file your taxes, it's too late to do anything about it.  Are you often surprised or crossing your fingers that you don’t owe too much?  Yes…then we should chat

Oftentimes you are not even sure if what you are looking at is accurate and dependable to make decisions with.

Take my client, Tony, as an example. Tony has a multi-seven-figure business.  When I met Tony in late 2020, he did not do monthly financials.  

In fact after an in depth review of his past numbers we found several hundred thousand dollars' worth of expenses that were missed by his former accounting team over the years.

Then, when we started working together, and managing his finances, fine tuning them, and reviewing them monthly, guess what happened…in this first year his revenue grew by 60%!

If you knew that looking at your numbers would grow your business even by 20 or 30%, would it be worth looking at them for 10 minutes when you understand them and know what to look for? With my expertise as a CFO, you will have the right guidance, gain understanding and knowledge so that you can master what items you need to review and look for in your numbers to identify leaks and recognize potential areas of growth with ease and confidence. You may have an accounting team in place, but if not, and you are looking for an accounting team to help you with making sure your numbers are accurate, we can help you with that too.  We offer a done for your service click here to find out more here.

Team Alignment

Oftentimes clients come to me when they can’t seem to get their teams all moving in sync towards the same company goals and vision.  Although their teams are talented, they seem fragmented or even a little dysfunctional

 After two decades of successfully supporting small business owners to attain their visions, it became apparent that by developing a team alignment strategy you will be able to attain your vision faster!

ā–ŗ Motivation - Knowing how to motivate your team so they are intrinsically motivated.

ā–ŗEmpowerment – Knowing how to empower your team so they come to you with solutions rather than problems.

ā–ŗCommunication – Knowing how to communicate so you can get exactly what you need when you need it.

I’ll help you discover how to transform your team to anticipate your needs and become a solution-oriented powerhouse that can support your company in a brand-new successful way.

If you are interested in learning more about leadership development for your team. Learn more

Unstoppable CEO Mindset and Strategies

Do you believe your vision is 100% achievable every day? 

Are you excited and motivated to get up and work in your business every day?

Do you often wonder if you are making the best decisions for your business?

Could you be unknowingly sabotaging yourself with the words you are using and thoughts you are having? 

MINDSET IS EVERYTHING! Often business owners aren't even aware of the negative mindset and thoughts that they bring to their business each and every day. 

The key to an unshakeable and unstoppable CEO Mindset happens by learning how to program your brain for success on bad days.

By working together, we will develop a mindset that even on your worst days (you know those 1-star days where everything seems to be going wrong and you're questioning it all!) will be unshakable and your belief in your dream and vision will still be 100% and you'll be motivated to keep going. 

Wouldn't it be great to feel complete confidence that every decision you are making will support your business and your vision?

Get Started Today

Success Stories

Here's what others are saying

Maria Traino



"Working with Audrey has been a total game changer in both my personal life and my professional life.”

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Robert Kolb



“Audrey helped design and build a team that is significantly more productive."

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Anthony Grilli



“Audrey is the cause of many positive effects in my business."

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